The Keto Diet: What is it and does it really Lose Weight?

The diet keto is the latest trend in diet! But is it really effective for losing weight? We asked a specialist. The keto diet also called ketogenic diet is the latest trend in diet. Many articles extol the effects of this diet. The keto diet, what is it? Keto diet, ketogenic diet, diet keto ...

This diet sold as slimming has several names. The basic idea of this diet? More fat and less sugar. The rules are simple: 50g of carbohydrates a day, a lot of proteins, vegetables and good fats. We avoid especially sugar. Before embarking on this type of diet, consulting your doctor is always a good idea to check that no contraindications prevent you from switching to keto.

The keto diet: what is it and does it really lose weight?.

All fats are not good to take. Dieticians recommend that you prefer omega-3s found in some oily fish such as mackerel or salmon. Or in nuts, eggs or coconut oil. Cheese at 100g per day is also allowed.

Sugar is banned, however, we say goodbye to very sweet fruit juice, candy, alcohol, biscuits and other pastries. Fortunately, chocolate is allowed! If a craving for sugar is really felt, fruits are allowed, as well as Greek yogurts with nuts, but only during meals.

If you are a sportsman, we add a meal and eat them during the snack.  Keto diet is good for health, limiting sugars which are a risk factor for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, can only be beneficial for health. But be careful not t8o overuse fat and find yourself in a high calorie diet.

Keto is also my secret weapon for staying lean and fit. You’ll feel the same after you complete 28-Day Keto Challenge. CLICK HERE


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