The keto diet causes rapid weight loss

It is something extreme so you should know its benefits and disadvantages and perform it under supervision.

What is the ketogenic diet?

It is one in which food must be low in carbohydrates and very high in fat that induces a change in the main source of energy and in the metabolic state.

Its objective is to create a ketosis situation similar to that of fasting, which can be achieved either by a reduction in food intake or by a reduction in carbohydrate-rich foods. The latter situation is the one pursued by the ketogenic diet (keto diet).

The body, in the absence of sufficient carbohydrates as fuel (glucose), will deplete glycogen stores and the main source of energy will become the burning of fats in the liver.

You will get as a result the so-called ketone bodies (ketones) that will distribute, as a nutrient, to the brain, muscles and other organs. It will have caused you to enter ketosis.

Menus of the ketogenic diet

When preparing a ketogenic menu, your food should contain: carbohydrates (5-10%), fats (60%) and proteins (30-35%).

If we take into account that in a normal diet almost half are usually carbohydrates, the change of diet is important.

You should avoid bread, potatoes, rice, pasta and fruit to the fullest.

You can select the nutrients in this complete Food Table with your nutritional information, which you can print in pdf to make your menu.

Allowed Foods

The foods allowed in the ketogenic diet (keto diet) will be mostly fatty and with some protein. The list will be as follows:

Vegetables with few carbohydrates: spinach and in general green leafy vegetables, avocado, cucumber, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, tomato, onion.

Blue fish, rich in polyunsaturated fats: salmon, sardine, anchovy, mackerel, trout, tuna, pomegranate, greaves, bonito, swordfish.

Meat and sausages: chicken and turkey, but you can also eat fatty meats.
Eggs and mayonnaise.

Fatty dairy products such as cream, butter, goat cheese, cheddar, mozzarella or yogurt without sugar.
Nuts and seeds: nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds.

Virgin olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil.

Salt, pepper, spices, mustard ...

And as in the keto diet the important thing is the type of food consumed (mainly fat and some protein) and not so much the total calories, it is not so necessary to have examples of ketogenic recipes of 30 days, or 50 days, which result rigid and hinder compliance.

You can combine these foods as you find most convenient or appetizing for your menu, but yes, keeping in mind to diversify enough during the days or weeks that take it into practice.

Forbidden food

In the ketogenic diet, the following carbohydrate-rich foods should be limited:

Fruits: contain sugars, in the form of fructose, which is a carbohydrate.

Those who have more and should avoid: date, fig, grape, mango, cherry, banana, tangerine and apple.

Those who have less and can ingest from time to time (from less carbohydrates to more): lemon, cranberry, raspberry, strawberry, watermelon, grapefruit and melon.

Bread, pasta, flour, rice.

Cereals: The ones that contain the most carbohydrates are puffed wheat, muesli, wheat bran, rice flakes, wheat and barley, Corn Flakes, and oat flakes.


Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas, beans, beans, beans)

Sweets and cakes, pastries.

Soft drinks, sugary drinks and juices.

Processed foods and prepared foods (often with high levels of unhealthy fats and carbohydrates)
Benefits of the ketogenic diet.

Regarding the results of the ketogenic diet, it should be noted:

Lose weight - Lose weight

It is not necessary to count calories, and it is much more effective to lose weight this low carb diet than low fat diets.

Many people who follow this type of weight loss diet lose more than twice as many pounds as those who only follow a low-calorie diet. And it allows them to eat and maintain a healthy weight.
It is faster to lose weight than those other diets based on eating low fat and many proteins.

The ketogenic diet benefits diabetics because:

reduce blood sugar levels,

reduce your weight and body fat, and

Improves insulin sensitivity.

Overweight and obesity, in type 2 diabetes, in addition to being an inconvenience, is often its cause.

And blood glucose is high because it cannot be used conveniently by cells because they have insulin resistance, resistance that improves a lot with this diet.

In cancer

Some studies have sought to assess whether reducing sugar in the diet could positively influence cancer control. And it seems so.

In cancer: tumor cells multiply faster, your energy metabolism is accelerated, and Your glucose (carbohydrate) intake is also higher. they hardly use fats or proteins to obtain the energy necessary for their growth.

Consequently the ketogenic diet:

It would be a measure of support, It would never be a substitute for medical treatment because cancer cells can adapt to adverse metabolic conditions better than normal cells. On the other hand there are no studies that indicate that this diet can prevent cancer.

In epilepsy

Only in some cases of childhood epilepsy, in which anti-epileptic drugs are not being effective, the keto diet seems to reduce the frequency of seizures and would be a convenient complementary therapy.

It was observed that when a child diagnosed with epilepsy remained fasting, the seizures decreased or disappeared.

The exact mechanism by which the keto diet reduces seizures in epilepsy is unknown. However, it seems to be a consequence of the metabolic and energetic change produced in the brain by ketone bodies, which would stabilize their electrical activity.

How can I measure ketosis ?

Ketosis can be detected in the blood, in the urine and even in the air. The cheapest and simplest way is in the urine through test strips that are sold in pharmacies. However, the concentration of the ketone bodies and their elimination in the urine will tend to decrease with the passing of the days on the average that your body uses them better as a source of energy.

That is why the most accurate way is through blood tests. Test strips for blood detection similar to those used by diabetics are also sold.

To avoid the reduction of muscle mass that can be caused by weight loss when following a diet to lose weight, it is necessary that protein intake be maintained at a level close to 35% and that you exercise. In this way it will maintain the muscle mass of your body, and could even increase it unlike what happens with other diets.

From time to time, with the periodicity suggested by the specialist (doctor or nutritionist), the amount of carbohydrates should be increased, but taking into account that the first two or three months the diet should be more strict.

On the other hand, you should keep in mind that severe food restriction could reduce the quality of life, and that the answer to some questions such as the long-term side effects of the ketogenic diet is unknown.

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