The keto diet causes rapid weight loss
It is something extreme so you should know its benefits and disadvantages and perform it under supervision. What is the ketogenic diet? It is one in which food must be low in carbohydrates and very high in fat that induces a change in the main source of energy and in the metabolic state. Start Your 28-Day Keto Challenge Now Its objective is to create a ketosis situation similar to that of fasting, which can be achieved either by a reduction in food intake or by a reduction in carbohydrate-rich foods. The latter situation is the one pursued by the ketogenic diet (keto diet). The body, in the absence of sufficient carbohydrates as fuel (glucose), will deplete glycogen stores and the main source of energy will become the burning of fats in the liver. You will get as a result the so-called ketone bodies (ketones) that will distribute, as a nutrient, to the brain, muscles and other organs. It will have caused you to enter ketosis. Menus of the ketogenic diet When p...